Skin Cancer Specialist

West Derm Center
Dermatology located in Bronx, NY, White Plains, NY, New Rochelle, NY & Yonkers, NY
If you develop a mole or other skin lesion that’s suspicious for skin cancer, you deserve the treatment that delivers the highest possible cure rate: Mohs surgery. The team at West Derm Center has extensive experience performing Mohs surgery, a procedure that removes all cancer cells while preserving the optimal amount of healthy tissue. If you notice a worrisome lesion on your body, schedule an appointment online or call one of the offices in White Plains, New Rochelle, or Yonkers, New York, or their Bronx locations in Pelham Gardens and Riverdale.
Skin Cancer Q & A
What are the different types of skin cancer?
Skin cancer develops from long-term exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light. There are three primary types of skin cancer, each with its own symptoms:
Basal cell carcinoma
Basal cell carcinoma is the most common type of skin cancer. It may appear as raised pink or white bumps, bumps resembling moles, a sore that keeps healing and reopening, or a flat, scaly scar.
Squamous cell carcinoma
The second most common type of skin cancer is squamous cell carcinoma. It often begins as dry, scaly, flesh-colored lesions called actinic keratoses. These rough-feeling lesions are benign at first but progress to become cancer.
Melanoma is the least common and deadliest type of skin cancer because it quickly spreads and becomes hard to treat. This type of cancer often begins in an existing mole, but you may see a new brown or black lesion that resembles a mole.
How do dermatologists treat skin cancer?
The team at West Derm Center recommends annual skin screening to identify and treat potential problems at an early stage. When a mole or lesion is suspicious for skin cancer, it’s removed and the tissues are examined to see if they contain cancer cells.
In many cases, this involves sending the tissue sample to a lab and anxiously waiting for days to learn the results. But that’s not what happens at West Derm Center because they specialize in Mohs surgery.
What is Mohs surgery?
Mohs is an advanced surgical technique that has the highest cure rate for all types of skin cancer. The procedure is done in the office, where your West Derm Center surgeon removes all the cancerous cells, preserving the healthy tissues surrounding the tumor. The Mohs technique allows your doctor to remove all the cancer and tell you the results of the biopsy while you wait.
Your doctor removes the visible tumor along with a small margin of tissue around it, carefully mapping the tumor so it can be reoriented to its exact location before it was removed. Then your doctor examines the tissue under a microscope.
If the margins are free of cancer cells, your procedure is finished. If cancer cells remain in the margin, the mapping allows your doctor to identify where that cell was located on your body and precisely remove another small piece of tissue. Then that tissue is examined and the process continues until no cancer cells remain.
Depending on the type of cancer and your overall risk factors, your doctor may recommend radiation after your Mohs surgery to help prevent cancer recurrence.
If you’re worried about a mole or another lesion on your skin, or you’d like a full skin evaluation, click the online booking feature or call one of the West Derm Center offices today.
Conditions & Services
Acnemore info
Eczemamore info
Psoriasismore info
Pediatric Dermatologistmore info
Cosmetic Dermatologymore info
Skin Cancermore info
Rosaceamore info
Laser Hair Removalmore info
Varicose Veinsmore info
Laser Tattoo Removalmore info
Aesthetic Dermatologymore info
Vitiligomore info
Moles & Wartsmore info
Alopeciamore info
Hyperpigmentationmore info
Kybellamore info
Melasmamore info
Skincare Treatmentsmore info
Microdermabrasionmore info
Body Contouringmore info
Facial Rejuvenationmore info
Laser Treatmentsmore info
Skin Rejuvenationmore info
Botoxmore info
Cancermore info
Fillersmore info
Skin Screeningmore info
Chemical Peelsmore info
Dermatitismore info
Skin Tag Removalmore info
Mole Removalmore info
Eczemamore info
Hair Loss Treatmentmore info
Juvedermmore info
Urticaria (Hives)more info
Skin Biopsymore info
Abscessmore info
Removal of Cystmore info
Dermabrasionmore info
Fungal Infectionmore info